Müller-Böker Ulrike

The Power of Images - their Creation, Reproduction, and Strategic Use in the Shaping of Alpine Future

Project Number: 4048-064467
Project Type: Dissertation
Project Duration: 04/01/2002 - 08/31/2005 project completed
Funding Source: SNSF ,
Project Leader: Prof. em. Ulrike Müller-Böker
Geographisches Institut - Human Geography
Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstr. 190 - Irchel
8057 Zürich
Phone: +41 (0) 76 372 61 90 ; +41 (0) 44 635 51 71
FAX: +41 (0) 44 635 68 44
e-Mail: ulrike.mueller-boeker(at)geo.uzh.ch

related to this project.
for which the project has a relevance.

Legal and Social sciences, Economics
Social geography and Ecology

Image and discourse analyses, sustainable development, mental images, visualizations

The power of images - their creation, reproduction, and strategic use in the shaping of Alpine future [Ulrike Müller-Böker, Norman Backhaus, Urs Müller, (Engl.)]

The project “The Power of Images” wants to make a contribution to the sustainable development of alpine habitats using image and discourse analyses. Sustainability is thereby seen as a process encompassing the three interrelated dimensions ‘ecology’, ‘economy’ and ‘society’. Thus, to strive for sustainability means to be engaged in a multidimensional, democratic discourse about future developments. Ideally such a discourse is a process of consensus building, which leads to transparent, acceptable and eventually sustainable results. This project aims at the compilation and analysis of mental images of sustainable development, focusing on visualizations (i.e. photographs). Discourses can be blocked by social and mental images that actors have of their negotiating partners or of the discourse itself. Such mental images can enter publications of different stakeholders in a unreflected way. Even more so this is the case for (material) images. As a consequence clichés can be reproduced, which furthermore can lead to vehement defensive reactions (including the breakup of communication) with the people concerned. This can, in addition, cause un-sustainable development.

URL: http://www.nrp48.ch/projects/projects_detail.php?nfprojnum=4&isactsum=yes

Backhaus N., Buschle M., Gorgus N., et al. (2006) Kraft der Bilder: Vorstellungen über Nachhaltigkeit – ein Entscheidungsspiel, Schriftenreihe Humangeographie, 21, Universität Zürich, Zürich.

Backhaus N., Müller U. (2005) Die Macht der Bilder –Konstruktion, Reproduktion und strategische Verwendung in der Gestaltung alpiner Zukunft, Projektzusammenfassung, Universität Zürich-Irchel, Zürich.

Müller U. (2003) The Power of Images: Wie wird Nachhaltigkeit visualisiert?, Poster, Universität Zürich-Irchel, Zürich.

Müller U. (2006) Die Kraft der Bilder in der nachhaltigen Entwicklung – Die Fallbeispiele UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch und UNESCO Weltnaturerbe Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn, Dissertation, Universität Zürich, vdf Hochschulverlag, Zürich.
pdf Dissertation

Müller U., Backhaus N. (2006) Regionalisierungen – die Methode der Bildanalyse, in: Backhaus N., Müller-Böker U. (eds.), Gesellschaft und Raum - Konzepte und Kategorien, Schriftenreihe Humangeographie, Universität Zürich, Zürich.

Müller U., Backhaus N. (2006) The Entlebuchers: People from the Back of Beyond?, in: Social Geography Discussions, 2, 87–127.

Müller U., Backhaus N., Müller-Böker U. (2005) The Power of Images, (Wie wird Nachhaltigkeit visualisiert?), (their creation, reproduction, and strategic use in the shaping of Alpine future), Universität Zürich, Zürich.

Backhaus N., Müller U. (2006) Regionalisierung – eine konstruktivistische Perspektive, in: Müller-Böker U., Backhaus N. (eds.), Gesellschaft und Raum – Konzepte und Kategorien, Schriftenreihe Humangeographie, Zürich, 13–29.

Source of Information: NF Import 2002

Last update: 3/23/20
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
Update the data of project: CH-64467

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