Brenneisen Stephan

Bewirtschaftungsplan zur Offenhaltung von Kulturland im Landschaftspark Binntal

Project Number: Parcs Data Center: 53975. 4D: CH-7545
Project Type: Bachelor
Project Duration: 01/01/2023 - 01/07/2023 project completed
Funding Source: other ,
Leading Institution: ZHAW
Project Leader: Stephan Brenneisen
Leiter Fachstelle Dachbegrünung
Institut Umwelt und Natürliche Ressourcen
Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte WIssenschaften
8820 Wädenswil

e-Mail: stephan.brenneisen(at)

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Research Areas:


The development of agriculture substantially shaped the Swiss Alpine region. In the 20th cen-tury, this increasingly led to the abandonment of marginal land, which was reflected in an ex-pansion of forest areas and a simultaneous decrease in agricultural land. Forest expansion or shrub encroachment respectively, pose a challenge, especially for farmers in mountain re-gions. Despite scientific research and agricultural policy efforts this development could not be stopped. This paper attempts to shed light on the problem of shrub encroachment by means of a qualitative analysis including the involved players. The topic will be examined and a man-agement plan developed by analyzing an area in the Binntal Landscape Park that is affected by shrub encroachment. Through literature research and discussions with local experts, information about the study area and its historical background was gathered. Data about the causes and as the prevention and containment of shrub encroachment was collected through qualitative interviews with farmers and nature parks in the mountain area. The information gathered was evaluated and summarized in a structured qualitative content analysis. Taking these results into account, the management plan with recommended measures was developed. The results show that the causes of shrub encroachment are affected by many factors that vary from region to region. The most important factor promoting shrub encroachment is the limited labour force in the agricultural sector. The extensive management methods of mowing and grazing are used to prevent shrub encroachment. Containing shrub encroachment is mainly done by grazing goats or manual clearing with volunteers. The results indicate that there are usually not enough resources in terms of funding or manpower to ensure that agri-cultural land is kept open in the long term. Therefore, agricultural policy adjustments as well as an optimized coordination of the cantonal administration are possible approaches. Shrub encroachment in mountain areas will continue to be a challenge that depends on the coordi-nated cooperation of the different players involved on a local, regional and political level.

Fux, A. 2023. Bewirtschaftungsplan zur Offenhaltung von Kulturland im Landschaftspark Binntal. Bachelor. ZHAW.

pdf Bachelorarbeit

Last update: 3/5/24
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
Update the data of project: CH-7545

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