Wiedemeier Patrik

Kleinsäuger an Gewässern im Wildnispark Zürich. Eine Methodenentwicklung für den Fang von Spitzmäusen

Project Number: CH-4555
Project Type: Research_Project
Project Duration: 09/20/2010 - 01/27/2011 project completed
Funding Source: other ,
Project Leader: Herr Patrik Wiedemeier

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general biology

Clethrionomys glareolus (bank vole) and Apodemus sp. (wood mice) share comparable habitat- and food niches. Often they live in similar habitats. If the two species live in the same areas, interspecific competition will occur. Apodemus sp. is dominant over C. glareolus. Apodemus sp. is nocturnal, whereas C. glareolus tend to be nocturnal, but is also diurnal. If interspecific competition with Apodemus sp. occurs, C. glareolus is more active during the day. An observation of the activity patterns of C. glareolus with and without interspecific concur- rence took place in the Wildnispark Zürich Sihlwald. Two different experimental sites were located after a six days long live-trapping session. At one site only C. glareolus was detected. At the other site the species Apodemus sp. and C. glareolus were detected. At these two selected sites camera traps were positioned. The animals were lured to the sensor of the camera with different baits. A total of 7845 pictures have been evaluated. There was no significant difference in the duration of stay at a bait of C. glareolus at the two different sites. The differences in bait preference were significantly between Apodemus sp. and C. glareolus in the shared habitat and also between C. glareolus at the different sites. The bait peanut butter was preferred by both species. The daytime activity of C. glareolus is significantly higher if there is interspecific competition with Apodemus sp. The activity patterns of Apodemus sp. showed a peak from 8 to 10 pm. C. glareolus showed the highest activity in the early evening hours and around midnight. At the site with interspecific competition C. glareolus was active when Apodemus sp. was not active and vice versa.

Danuser, Philip. 2011. Untersuchung der Aktivitätsrhythmen der Art Clethrionomys glareolus mit und ohne interspezifische Konkurrenz von Apodemus sp. Semesterarbeit, ZHAW Wädenswil.
pdf Semesterarbeit

Last update: 7/18/17
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
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