Gianni Tartari

Dr. Gianni Tartari
Former Senior Research Associate
Unit of Brugherio
Water Research Institute. National Research Council
Via del Mulino 19
IT-20861 Brugherio (MB)

Phone: +39 (039) 2001041
Fax: +39 (039) 20 046 92
E-mail: gianni.tartari(at)
URL Institution:

Additional functions:
Associate senior researcher (2015- ) at the Water Research Institute (IRSA), National Research Council (CNR), former director of IRSA's Section located in northern Italy.
Scientific responsible (2014- ) of Thematic Commission “Water-Energy-Nexus”, Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster (LE2C), Milan, Italy
Member of Advisory board (2019-2020) of VIDA Project (INNOSUP/HORIZON 2020).
Member of the Ev-K2-CNR Committee (1994-2015) and of the Bilateral Technical Committee between CNR and Nepal Academy of Science (1992-2012).
Member of Ev-K2-CNR Scientific Council (1992-2010) and President of the Scientific Council between 2000-2008.
Expert consultant for Italian Ministry of Environment, of Territory Protection and Sea for the implementation of Water Framework Directive (WFD). He has participated at several EU activities (Bureau Communitaire of Reference, Working Group 2.3-REFCOND, etc.), EU Framework Projects (EUROLIMPACS, REBECCA, CIRCE, etc.), international projects (CEOP Project of GEWEX/WMO activities (2000-2012), SHARE, Hindu Kush - Karakorum - Himalaya (HKKH) Partnership for ecosystem management Project, Twinning Project-Bulgaria “Strengthening of surface water monitoring network operation”. BG 06 IB EN 01, Twinning Project-Egypt “Water Quality Managemen”. EG/07/AA/EN09, PIRVE, CIPAIS, etc.) and more others.
Chair of the CEOP-High Elevation Working Group (GEWEX/WMO) in the period 2008-2011.
Author of more than 95 ISI publications and more than 210 other non referred publications.

Key Publications of Gianni Tartari (up to ten) :
Salerno, F., Guyenno, N., Yang. K., Shaw, T.E., Lin, C., Colombo, N, Romano, E., Gruber, S., Bolch, T., Alessandri, A., Cristofanelli, P., Putero, D., Diolaiuti, G., Tartari, G., Verz, G., Thakuri, S., Balsamo, G., Miles, E.V., Pellicciotti, F. 2023. Local cooling and drying induced by Himalayan glaciers under global warming. Nature Geoscience.

Copetti, D., L. Valsecchi, G. Tartari, M. Mingazzini, M.T. Palumbo. 2023. Phosphate adsorption by riverborne clay sediments in a southern-Italy Mediterranean reservoir: Insights from a “natural geo-engineering” experiment. Sci. Tot. Environ., 12 pp. Doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159225

Tartari, G., D. Copetti, A. Franzetti, M. Balordi, F. Salerno, S. Thakuri, B. Leoni, G. Chiarello, P. Cristiani. 2021. Manganese-mediated hydrochemistry and microbiology in a meromictic subalpine lake (Lake Idro, Northern Italy) – a biogeochemical approach. The Sci. Total Environ. 795:148743. Doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148743

Lin, C., Yang, K., D. Chen, N. Guyennon, R. Balestrini, X. Yang, S. Acharya, T. Ou, T. Yao, G. Tartari, F. Salerno. 2021. Summer afternoon precipitation associated with wind convergence near the Himalayan glacier fronts. Atmospheric Research, 259, 105658. Doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2021.105658.

Colombo, N., F. Salerno, M. Martin, M. Malandrino, M. Giardino, E. Serra, D. Godone, D. Said-Pullicino, S. Fratianni, L. Paro, G. Tartari, M. Freppaz. 2019. Influence of permafrost, rock and ice glaciers on chemistry of high-elevation ponds (NW Italian Alps). Science of the Total Environment 685: 886–901. Doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.06.233

Sun F., Y. Ma, Z. Hu, M. Li, G. Tartari, F. Salerno, T. Gerken, P. Bonasoni, P. Cristofanelli and E. Vuillermoz. 2018. Mechanism of Daytime Strong Winds on the Northern Slopes of Himalayas near Mount Everest: Observation and Simulation. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 57(2): 255-272.

Yang K., N. Guyennon, L. Ouyang, L. Tian, G. Tartari, F. Salerno. 2017. Impact of summer monsoon on the elevation-dependence of meteorological variables in the south of central Himalaya. International Journal of Climatology. DOI: 10.1002/joc.5293

Ielpo, P., P. Fermo, V. Comite, D. Mastroianni, G. Viviano, F. Salerno and G. Tartari. 2016. Chemical characterization of biomass fuel particulate deposits and ashes in households of Mt. Everest region (NEPAL). Science of the Total Environment 573 (2016) 751–759.

Salerno, F., N. Guyennon, S. Thakuri, G. Viviano, E. Romano, E. Vuillermoz, P. Cristofanelli, P. Stocchi, G. Agrillo, Y. Ma and G. Tartari. 2015. Weak precipitation, warm winters and springs impact glaciers of south slopes of Mt. Everest (central Himalaya) in the last 2 decades (1994–2013). The Cryosphere, 9, 1229–1247.

Salerno F., Gambelli S., Viviano G., Thakuri S., Guyennon N., D’Agata C., Diolaiuti G., Smiraglia C., Stefani F., Bocchiola D., Tartari G. 2014. High alpine ponds shift upwards as average temperature increase: the case of Ortles-Cevedale mountain group (southern Alps, Italy) over the last 50 years. Global and Planetary Change, 120: 81-91.

Thakuri, S., F. Salerno, C. Smiraglia, T. Bolch, C. D'Agata, G. Viviano, and G. Tartari. 2014. Tracing glacier changes since the 1960s on the south slope of Mt. Everest (central Southern Himalaya) using optical satellite imagery. The Cryosphere, 81297-1315.

Salerno F.; Thakuri S.; D’Agata C.; Smiraglia C.; Manfredi E.C.; Viviano G.; Tartari G. 2012. Glacial lake distribution in Mt Everest region: Uncertainty of measurement and conditions of formation. Global and Planetary Change 92–93: 30–39.

Lami A., Marchetto A., Musazzi S., Salerno F., Tartari G., Guilizzoni P., Rogora M. and Tartari G. 2010. Chemical and biological response of two small lakes in the Khumbu Valley, Himalayas (Nepal) to short-term variability and climatic change as detected by long-term monitoring and paleolimnological methods. Hydrobiologia 648: 189-205.

Yasunari T.J., Bonasoni P., Laj P., Fujita K., Vuillermoz E., Marinoni A., Cristofanelli P., Duchi R., Tartari G. and. Lau K-M. 2010. Estimated impact of black carbon deposition during pre-monsoon season from Nepal Climate Observatory-Pyramid data and snow albedo changes over Himalayan glaciers. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10:6603–6615.

Expertise of Gianni Tartari:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeScientific / Fundamental Research
Topic AtmosphereAtmosphere
Global Warming
Topic HydrosphereHydrosphere
Fresh Water Systems / Rivers / Lakes
Water Pollution / Waste Water
Topic CryosphereGlaciers
Permafrost / Solifluction
Topic Integrated SystemsBiogeochemical Cycles except Carbon
Hydrogeochemical Cycle
Nutrient Cycle / Food Chain
Topic Economy/ResourceUseLand Cover / Land Use / Landscape
Topic Politics/LawRegionalization / Globalization
Topic SocietyEducation / Communication / Participation
Spatial ZonesMountain / Highland
Alpine ConventionAC Mountain Forests
AC Water

Specialties of Gianni Tartari:
Environmental chemistry: a) pollutants circulation; b) atmospheric deposition chemistry (snow and rain); c) lake hydrochemistry;
Applied limnology: a) eutrophication; b) nutrients repartition mechanisms; c) real-time measurements of physic-chemical variables at high frequency in water bodies; d) biogeochemical cycles.
Environmental studies in high altitude and remote areas: a) organization of climatic monitoring networks using atmospheric weather stations (AWS); b) study of the effects of climate change on aquatic ecosystems and glacialized areas.
Analytical chemistry: a) macronstituents in the water matrix, b) nutrient speciation, c) trace elements, d) quality control and quality assurance.

Last update: 3/3/24
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
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