Christian Schönwiese

Prof. em. Christian Schönwiese

Additional functions:
IPCC contributing author or reviewer; WMO Rapporteur for Statistical Climatology (until 1998); "Theoretical and Applied Climatology" co-editor (until 2000); member of the German and Austrian Meteorological Societies, the German Physical Society Working Group "Energy", the German Geographical Society Working Group "Climate" and the "Frankfurter Zukunftsrat".

Key Publications of Christian Schönwiese (up to ten) :
C.-D. Schönwiese: Klimatologie. Ulmer (UTB), Stuttgart, 472 pp., 3.ed., 2008.
C.-D. Schönwiese: Praktische Statistik für Meteorologen und Geowissenschaftler. Borntraeger, Berlin+Stuttgart, 302 pp., 4. ed., 2006.
C.-D. Schönwiese, J. Rapp: Climate Trend Atlas of Europe Based on Observations 1891-1990. Kluwer, Dordrecht+Boston+London, 228 pp., 1997.
C.-D. Schönwiese, R. janoschitz: Klima-Trendatlas Europa 1901-2000. Bericht Nr. 7, Inst. Atmosph. Umwelt Univ. Frankfurt/M., 82 S., 2008.
J. Grieser, T. Staeger, C.-D. Schönwiese: Statistsiche Analyse zur Früherkennung globaler und regionaler Klimaänderungen aufgrund des anthropogenen Treibhauseffektes. Bericht Nr. 103, Inst. Meteorol. geoph., Univ. Frankfurt/M., 228 S., 2000.

Expertise of Christian Schönwiese:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeScientific / Fundamental Research
Topic AtmosphereClimate
Global Warming
Topic HydrospherePrecipitation / Runoff
Spatial ScaleGlobal / Hemispheric
Time FramePast
Recent / Today
Statistical FocusExtreme Events
Mean Change / Trends
Time ScaleSeasonal / Annual
Decadal / Centennial
MethodsData Analysis

Specialties of Christian Schönwiese:
Development and application of statistical time series analysis techniques, focus on climate trends, extremes, and forcing (industrial time; global and regional).

Last update: 9/25/12
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
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