Armin Senn Rist

portrait PD Dr. Armin Senn Rist


Phone: +41 (0) 34 426 43 02
E-mail: armin.rist(at)

Key Publications of Armin Senn Rist (up to ten) :
Rist, A.; Roth, L.; Veit, H. 2020. Elevational ground/air thermal gradients in the Swiss inner Alpine Valais. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 52, 341-360. DOI: 10.1080/15230430.2020.1742022

Rist, A.; Zmeeva, N. 2019. Sonne und Poren für saubere Luft. Spirit Biel/Bienne 2/2019, 28-29.

Rist, A. 2016. Naturgefahren und Objektschutz. Oft muss erst etwas passieren. Baublatt 34, 12-13.

Schwarz, M.; Rist, A.; Cohen, D.; Giadrossich, F.; Egorov, P.; Buettner, D.; Stolz, M.; Thormann, JJ. 2015. Root reinforcement of soils under compression. Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface 120, 2103 - 2120. DOI: 10.1002/2015JF003632

Rist, A.; Stolz, M.; Heintzmann, P.; Tigges, F.; Gander, C. 2015. Machbarkeitsstudie zur Reduktion von Feinstaub oder seiner Vorläufergase mittels spezieller Strassenbeläge (Bericht Nr. 1543). Bern: Bundesamt für Strassen ASTRA.

Rist, A.; Keller, F.; Schmid, C.; Gerber, C.; Vogel, D.; Bozzini C.; Wunderle S.; Veit, H. 2013. Langsam, aber stetig. Die Solifluktionsloben am Munt Chavagl. In: Atlas des Schweizerischen Nationalparks*, Haller, H., Haller, R., Eisenhut, A. (Hrsg.), Bern: Haupt, 208-209.

Ca?a, M.; Stolz, M.; Baraniak, P.; Rist, A.; Roduner, A. 2013. Large scale field tests for slope stabilizations made with flexible facings In M. Kwa?niewski & D. ?yd?ba (Eds.). EUROCK. Paper presented at the 2013 International Symposium on Rock Mechanics for Resources, Energy and Environment, Warsaw (pp. 659-662). Leiden (NL): CRC Press/Balkema.

Rist, A.; Phillips, M.; Springman, S. 2012. Inclinable Shear Box Simulations of Deepening Active Layers on Perennially Frozen Scree Slopes. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 23, 26-38.

Rist, A. 2008. Hydrothermal processes in the active layer and their influence on slope stabitity in Alpine permafrost terrain. Dissertation. Haeberli, W.; Maisch, M. (eds). Schriftenreihe Physische Geographie, Glaziologie und Geomorphodynamik.

Rist, A.; Phillips, M. 2005. First results of investigations on hydrothermal processes within the active layer above alpine permafrost in steep terrain. - Nor. J. Geogr. 59: 177-183.

Expertise of Armin Senn Rist:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeScientific / Fundamental Research
Applied Sciences / Technologies / Engineering
Topic AtmosphereClimate
Air Pollution
Topic CryospherePermafrost / Solifluction
Topic BiospherePlants
Topic EcosystemsTerrestrial Ecosystems
Topic TechnologyTechnical Environmental Protection
Topic SustainabilityEcological Sustainability
Topic Risk & Disaster ManagementPrevention of Risks and Natural Hazards
Spatial ZonesMountain / Highland
Spatial ScaleContinental
Time FramePast: Quarternary
Recent / Today
Statistical FocusExtreme Events
Mean Change / Trends
Time ScaleSeasonal / Annual
Decadal / Centennial
MethodsData Collection - Measurement
Data Analysis
Applied Research / Technology
GeoForum Geo-TechnologyGeotechnics, Geomatics, Geophysics
GeoForum Environmental-TechnologyCivil and Rural Engineering
Mountain Research InitiativeEurope (including Eastern Europe)
PolarHigh Altitude

Specialties of Armin Senn Rist:
Permafrost, geocryology, periglacial slope processes, slope stability, soil hydrology, natural hazards, protection of natural ressources

Last update: 10/10/23
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
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