Rudolf Pavuza

Mr. Rudolf Pavuza
Karst and Caves Research Unit (retired)
Geology and Paleontology
Museum of Natural History Vienna
Krottenbachstrasse 27/12
AT-1190 Vienna

Phone: 06801180334
E-mail: rudolf.pavuza(at)
URL Institution:
Personal URL: link

Additional functions:
Commission for Pseudokarst of the UIS( Int.Union for Speleology)
(Vice president, Co-Editor of the "Newsletter" of the Commission

Key Publications of Rudolf Pavuza (up to ten) :
Pavuza, R. & Oberender, P.(2022): Diversity of “Pseudokarst”-phenomena in Austria.- Newsletter UIS-Comm. Pseudokarst, 30:14-23.

Pavuza, R. & Cech, P. (2019): Remarks on caves of St. Helena (Southern Atlantic Ocean).- Newsletter UIS-Comm. Pseudokarst, 29:28-39
(erschienen 1/2020)

Fritsch, E., Greger, W., Pavuza, R. & Cech, P. (2020): Rudolfstollen 2015-2020, Nachträge zur Monographie "Der Rudolfstollen in Linz-Urfahr (Österreich) und seine Umgebung eine naturwissenschaftlich-historische Bestandsaufnahme".- Speldok 29, 32 S., 45 Abb.

Vier Fallstudien für Fledermausbeobachtungen in Österreich im geologisch-speläologischen Rahmen.- Speldok 28, 32 S

Kern, Z., Palcsu, L., Pavuza, R., & Molnár, M. (2018). Age Estimates on the Deposition of the Cave Ice Block in the Saarhalle Dachstein-Mammoth Cave (Mammuthöhle, Austria) based on 3H and 14C. Radiocarbon, 60(5), 1379-1389. doi:10.1017/RDC.2018.96

Expertise of Rudolf Pavuza:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeExpert Type
Scientific / Fundamental Research
Topic AtmosphereAtmosphere
Topic HydrosphereHydrosphere
Fresh Water Systems / Rivers / Lakes
Topic CryosphereCryosphere
Topic PedospherePedosphere
Topic BiosphereBiodiversity
Topic Integrated SystemsHydrogeochemical Cycle
Topic EcosystemsEcosystems
Topic HealthHealth

Specialties of Rudolf Pavuza:
Spring tufa
Cave Ice/Cave Climate
Radon in Caves

Last update: 12/12/23
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
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