Laurent Millet

Dr. Laurent Millet
Researcher CNRS
16 route de Gray
FR-25030 Besancon

E-mail: laurent.millet(at)

Key Publications of Laurent Millet (up to ten) :
Heiri, O. et al. (2014) Validation of climate model-inferred regional temperature change for late-glacial Europe. Nature Communications, 5, DOI : 10.1038/ncomms5914.
Belle, S., Parent, C., Frossard, V., Verneaux, V., Millet, L., Chronopoulou,P.-M., Sabatier, P., Magny, M., (2014) Temporal changes in the contribution of methane-oxidizing bacteria to the biomass of chironomid larvae determined using stable carbon isotopes and ancient DNA. Journal of paleolimnology, 53(3) : 215-228.
Frossard, V., Millet, L., Verneaux, V., Jenny, J.P., Arnaud, F., Magny, M., Perga, M.E., (2014) Reconstructing long-term changes (150years) in the carbon cycle of a clear-water lake based on the stable carbon isotope composition (delta C-13) of chironomid and cladoceran subfossil remains. Freshwater Biology, 59(4):789-802.
Millet, L., Giguet-Covex, C., Verneaux, V., Druart, J-C., Adatte, T., Arnaud, F., (2010) Reconstruction of the recent history of a large deep prealpine lake (Lake Bourget, France) using subfossil chironomids, diatoms, and organic matter analysis : towards the definition of a lake-specific reference state, Journal of Paleolimnology 44(4) : 963–978.
Millet, L., Arnaud, F., Heiri, O., Magny, M., Verneaux, V., Desmet, M., (2009) Late Holocene summer tem¬perature reconstruction from chironomid assemblages of Lake Anterne, northern French Alps, The Holocene, 19(2) : 317-328 DOI 10.1177/0959683608100576

Expertise of Laurent Millet:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeExpert Type
Scientific / Fundamental Research
Applied Sciences / Technologies / Engineering
Topic AtmosphereClimate
Topic HydrosphereFresh Water Systems / Rivers / Lakes
Water Pollution / Waste Water
Topic PedosphereGeology / Sediments
Topic BiosphereBiodiversity
Topic Integrated SystemsCarbon Cycle
Topic Economy/ResourceUseWater
Time FramePast
Past: Historical / Archeological
Recent / Today
Time ScaleDecadal / Centennial
100 kyr
MethodsData Collection
Data Collection - Measurement
Data Analysis
Mountain Research InitiativeLong-term monitoring and analysis of indicators of environmental change in mount
Europe (including Eastern Europe)

Last update: 3/9/16
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
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