Juan Carlos Leiva

Dr. Juan Carlos Leiva
Snow and glaciers research unit
Instituto Agentino de Nivologia, Glaciologia y Ciencias Ambientales
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas
CC 330
Mendoza, 5500 Mendoza

Phone: 54 261 5244205
E-mail: jcleiva(at)lab.cricyt.edu.ar

Additional functions:
ICSI (International Comission on Snow and Ice) IASH - IUGG.
GTNH (Grupo de Trabajo de Nieves y Hielos Andinos y del Caribe – Andean and Caribean Snow and Ice Working Group).

Key Publications of Juan Carlos Leiva (up to ten) :
1. Leiva, J.C., G.A. Cabrera and L.E. Lenzano (1986): "Glacier mass balances in the Cajón del Rubio, Andes Centrales Argentinos". Cold Regions Science and Technology, 13 (1986), pág. 83-90. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, Holanda. ISSN 0165-232X
2. Leiva, J.C., L.E. Lenzano, G.A. Cabrera and J.A. Suarez (1989): "Variations of the Río Plomo glaciers, Andes Centrales Argentinos". Publicado en J. Oerlemans (ed), Glacier Fluctuations and Climatic Change, pág. 143 - 151, (1989). Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISBN 0-7923-0110-2
3. Villalba, R., J.C. Leiva, S. Rubulis and J.A. Suarez (1990): "Climate, tree rings and glacier fluctuations in Frías Basin, Río Negro, Argentina". Artic and Alpine Research, Vol. 22, N° 3, pág. 215- 232, 1990. ISSN 1523-0430
4. Skvarca, P., K. Satow, R. Naruse, and J. C. Leiva (1995): “Recent thinning, retreat and flow of Upsala Glacier, Patagonia”. Bulletin of Glacier Research 13 (1995) 11 - 20.
5. Llorens, R. y Leiva, J.C. (1995):"Glaciological Studies in the High Central Andes Through Digital Processing of Satellite Images". Mountain Research and Development, Vol. 15, No. 4, 1995, pp.323 - 330. ISSN 0276-4741
6. Leiva, J.C. y Cabrera, G.A. (1996): “Glacier Mass Balance Analysis and Reconstructions in the Cajón del Rubio, Mendoza, Argentina”. Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, Vol.31 (1996), pp. 1 - 7. ISSN 0044-2836
7. Naruse, R. and J.C. Leiva, (1997):”Preliminary study on the shape of snow penitents at Piloto Glacier, the Central Andes”. Bulletin of Glacier Research 15 (1997), 99 - 104.
8. Leiva, J.C., (1999): “Recent fluctuations of the argentinian glaciers”. Global and Planetary Change, 22(1999) 169-177. ISSN 0921-8181
9. R. Llorens, and J.C. Leiva, (2000): "Recent glacier fluctuations in the southern Andes". En “Southern Hemisphere Paleo- and Neoclimates. Key Sites, Methods, Data and Models”, editado por P.P. Smolka & W. Volkheimer, pág. 143 – 149, Springer, Alemania.
ISBN 3-540-66589-7.
10. Leiva, J.C. (2006): “Assesment Climate Change Impacts on the Water Resources at the Northern Oases of Mendoza Province, Argentine”. En “Global Change in Mountain Regions”. Edited by Martin Price. Sapiens Publishing 2006. 343p. Wiltshire, Gran Bretaña. ISBN 0-9552282-2-0. Pág. 81-83.
ISBN: 978-987-9260-46-3
11. Leiva, J.C (2007): Impacts of the Climatic Change on the hydric resources of the cordillera de Los Andes. a study case: evidences, forecasting and consequences in the upper basin of the Mendoza river”. En " Environmental change and rational water use"; Scarpati, O. E. and J.A .A. Jones (eds).. Orientación Gráfica Editora S.R.L., Buenos Aires, 458 páginas. Pag. 377-385
12. Leiva, J.C.; G.A. Cabrera and L.E .Lenzano, (2007): “20 years of mass balances on the Piloto glacier, Las Cuevas river basin, Mendoza, Argentina”. Global and Planetary Change 59 (2007) 10 – 16.

Expertise of Juan Carlos Leiva:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeApplied Sciences / Technologies / Engineering
Topic AtmosphereClimate
Topic HydrosphereFresh Water Systems / Rivers / Lakes
Precipitation / Runoff
Topic CryosphereGlaciers
Snow Cover
MethodsData Collection - Measurement
Applied Research / Technology
Collaboration with developing and transition countries ; Capacity Building
Mountain Research InitiativeLong-term monitoring and analysis of indicators of environmental change in mount
Integrated model-based studies of environmental change in diff. mountain regions

Last update: 12/23/13
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
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