Bla? Komac

Dr. Bla? Komac
Head of the Department of Natural Hazards
Anton Melik Geogr. Institute
Slovenian Acad. of Sciences and Arts
Novi trg 2
SI-1000 Ljubljana

Phone: +386 1 4706 357
E-mail: blaz(at)

Additional functions:
Bla? Komac received a doctoral degree from the Ljubljana University in the field of geography, and holds a diploma degree in the field of physical geography. His broad education allows him to focus on broad aspects of geography, including natural hazards, geographic information systems, karst caves, paleoclimate, and cartography. He has led several research projects and supervised PhD students. His bibliography comprises of 500 units, of which he (co-)authored 7 scientific monographs and 70 original and review scientific papers. Bla? serves as editor-in-chief of the SCI-E journal Acta Geographica Slovenica published by the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Anton Melik Geographical Institute. He has been appointed a member of the United Nations ISDR European Scientific and Technical Advisory Group (E-STAG) in 2018.

Key Publications of Bla? Komac (up to ten) :
Kuhlicke, C., Komac, B., Zorn, M. et al. 2011: Perspectives on social capacity building for natural hazards: outlining an emerging field of research and practice in Europe. Environment science & policy 14- 7.
Hrvatin, M., Komac, B., Perko, D., Zorn, M. 2006: Slovenia. Soil erosion in Europe. Chichester.
Komac, B., Zorn, M. 2005: Erozija prsti na kmetijskih zemlji??ih v Sloveniji – meritve ?lebi?ne erozije v dolini Besnice. Acta geographica Slovenica 45-1. Ljubljana.
Cigli?, R., Hrvatin, M., Komac, B., Perko, D. 2012: Kras kot kazalnik za dolo?anje manj primernih obmo?ij za kmetijstvo. Acta geographica Slovenica 52-1. Ljubljana.
Gabrovec, M., Pav?ek, M., Topole, M., Triglav ?ekada, M., Zorn, M. Triglavski ledenik. Geografija Slovenije 30. Ljubljana.
Komac, B., Natek, K., Zorn, M. 2008: Geografski vidiki poplav v Sloveniji. Geografija Slovenije 20. Ljubljana.
Zorn, M., Komac, B. 2008: Zemeljski plazovi v Sloveniji. Georitem 8. Ljubljana.
Komac, B., Zorn, M. 2007: Pobo?ni procesi in ?lovek. Geografija Slovenije 15. Ljubljana.

Expertise of Bla? Komac:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeScientific / Fundamental Research
Topic HydrosphereHydrosphere
Fresh Water Systems / Rivers / Lakes
Topic CryosphereCryosphere
Snow Cover
Topic PedospherePedosphere
Soil Degradation / Erosion / Desertification
Mountain Research InitiativeEurope (including Eastern Europe)

Last update: 9/2/19
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
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