Klaus Heine

Prof. Klaus Heine
Inst. of Geography
University of Regensburg
Universitätsstr. 31
DE-93040 Regensburg

Phone: +49 941 943 3606
Fax: +49 941 943 4004
E-mail: klaus.heine(at)geographie.uni-regensburg.de

Key Publications of Klaus Heine (up to ten) :
K. Heine & J. Völkel, 2009. Desert flash flood series - Slackwater deposits and floodouts in Namibia: their significance for palaeoclimatic reconstructions. Zbl. Geol. Paläont. Teil I, 2007, Heft 3/4: 287-308, Stuttgart.

K. Heine, H.-P. Niller, T. Nuber & R. Scheibe, 2005. Slope and valley sediments as evidence of deforestation and land-use in prehistoric and historic Eastern Bavaria. Z. Geomorph. N.F., Suppl.-Vol. 139:147-171.

K. Heine, 2004. Flood Reconstructions in the Namib Desert, Namibia and Little Ice Age Climatic Implications: Evidence from Slackwater Deposits and Desert Soil Sequences. Journal Geological Society of India, vol. 64, 535-547.

A.U. Reuther, J. Herget, S. Ivy-Ochs, P. Borodavko, P.W. Kubik & K. Heine, 2006. Constraining the timing of the most recent cataclysmic flood event from ice-dammed lakes in the Russian Altai Mountains, Siberia, using cosmogenic in situ 10Be. Geology v. 34(11), 913-916.

K. Heine, 2004. Late Quaternary glaciations of Ecuador. In: J. Ehlers & P.L. Gibbard (eds.), Quaternary Glaciations - Extent and Chronology, Part III, Elsevier, pp. 165-169.

Expertise of Klaus Heine:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeScientific / Fundamental Research
Topic AtmosphereAtmosphere
Global Warming
Topic HydrosphereHydrosphere
Precipitation / Runoff
Topic CryosphereCryosphere
Topic PedospherePedosphere
Soil Degradation / Erosion / Desertification
Topic EcosystemsEcosystems
Terrestrial Ecosystems
Topic TechnologyTechnology
Topic SocietySociety
Education / Communication / Participation
Topic Risk & Disaster ManagementRisk Assessment / Forecasting
Time FramePast
Past: Historical / Archeological
Recent / Today
Statistical FocusExtreme Events
Time ScaleDecadal / Centennial
100 kyr
MethodsData Collection
Data Collection - Documents, Archives
Data Analysis
Literature Study

Specialties of Klaus Heine:
Late Quaternary/Holocene climate change

Last update: 7/27/09
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
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