Judit Deák

Dr. Judit Deák
Earth Scientist
Section Archéologie
Office du patrimoine et Archéologie Neuchâtel
Espace Paul Vouga 7
CH-2068 Hauterive

Phone: +41(0)32 889 18 83
E-mail: judit.deak(at)ne.ch
URL Institution: www.ne.ch/autorites/DJSC/SCNE/archeologie
Personal URL: link

Key Publications of Judit Deák (up to ten) :
Judit Deák, Carole Ampe, Jari Hinsch Mikkelsen (eds). 2019. Soils as records of Past and Present. From soil surveys to archaeological sites: research strategies for interpreting soil characteristics. Proceedings of the Geoarchaeological Meeting Bruges, 6&7 November 2019. Raakvlak, Archaeology, Monuments and Landscapes of Bruges and Hinterland, Belgium. 320 pp. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3417724

J. Deák, C. Ampe and J. Hinsch Mikkelsen. 2019. From soils survey to archaeological sites and beyond: research strategies and original approaches for interpreting soil characteristics. In Deák J., Ampe C. and Hinsch Mikkelsen J. (eds). Soils as records of Past and Present. From soil surveys to archaeological sites: research strategies for interpreting soil characteristics. Proceedings of the Geoarchaeological Meeting Bruges, 6&7 November 2019. Raakvlak, Archaeology, Monuments and Landscapes of Bruges and Hinterland, Belgium. p. 9-15. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3420213

J. Deák, F. Langenegger and S. Wüthrich. 2019. Land use and settlement dynamics in the bays of Bevaix and Cortaillod (Neuchâtel Lake, Switzerland) during Late Bronze Age. . In Deák J., Ampe C. and Hinsch Mikkelsen J. (eds). Soils as records of Past and Present. From soil surveys to archaeological sites: research strategies for interpreting soil characteristics. Proceedings of the Geoarchaeological Meeting Bruges, 6&7 November 2019. Raakvlak, Archaeology, Monuments and Landscapes of Bruges and Hinterland, Belgium, p. 31-54. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3420929

Deák, J., Preusser, F., Cattin, M.-I., Castel, J.-C., and Chauvière, F.-X. 2019. New data from the Middle Palaeolithic Cotencher cave (Swiss Jura): site formation, environment, and chronology, E&G Quaternary Sci. J., 67. p. 41–72. https://doi.org/10.5194/egqsj-67-41-2019 .
Deák J., Langenegger F. et Wüthrich S., 2019 (in press). Les baies lacustres de Bevaix et de Cortaillod (lac de Neuchâtel, Suisse) : organisation de l’habitat et exploitation du terroir de l’arrière-pays au Bronze final / HaB. Proceedings of Colloque Agde(Hérault) 20-21 octobre 2017 : « Entre Terres et eaux, les sites littoraux de l’Âge du Bronze, spécificités et relations avec l’arrière-pays », Actes du colloque, BSPF.

Deák, J., Magny, M. and Wüthrich S., 2017.
Late Neolithic to Middle Bronze Age (around 5250-3330 BP) lake level fluctuations at Lake Neuchâtel (Switzerland) as reflected by the sediment sequence of Colombier/Les Plantées de Rive site. Palaeoclimatic and archaeological implications. In press in "The Holocene" (accepted for publication on 8th April 2017).

Deák, J., Gebhardt, A., Lewis, H., Usai, M.R. and Lee, H., 2017.
Micromorphology of soils disturbed by vegetation clearance and tillage. In Nicosia, C. and Stoops, G. (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology. Wiley. (in Press- accepted for publication automn 2016).

Judit Becze-Deák, 2016. La lecture du sous-sol lors des interventions archéologiques: une enquête specialisée. La pédologie et la micromorphologie. In. Elmer Ch., Thew N., Von Burg A. and Kraese J., 2016. Delta de l'Areuse. Les méandres du delta de l'Areuse au cours de l'Holocène: une histoirre humaine et environnmentale. Archéologie neuchâteloise numérique 8. OPAN, section archéologie. CH-2068 Hauterive.

Tibor Tóth, Roger Langohr, Judit Becze-Deák , Zsolt Molnár, 2009.
Field pedological characterisation of two transects along the inner and outer sides of a sixty years old Tisza dike – a contribution to the problem of primary and secondary alkali grasslands. Acta Geographica Debrecina (AGD) Landscape and Environment 3 (2) 2009. 87-112.

Gianna Reginnelli, Judit Becze-Deak et Patrick Gassman. 2006.
La Tène revisitée en 2003 :Résultats préliminaires et perspectives. L’âge du Fer dans l’arc jurassien et ses marges. Dépôts, lieux sacrés et territorialité à l’âge du Fer. Actes du XXIXe colloque international de l’AFEAF; Bienne, 5-8 mai 2005. Barral P., Daubigney A., Dunning C., Kaenel G., Roulière-Lambert M.-J. (éds.), Besançon: Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2006 (Annales Littéraires; Série «Environnement, sociétés et archéologie»)

Becze-Deák J., Stoops G. and Langohr R. 2007.
Mitoc-Malu Galben: étude géopédologique. In Otte M., Chirica V et Haesaerts P. (Ed.) : L’Aurignacien et le Gravettien de Mitoc-Malu Galben (Moldavie Roumaine). ERAUL 72, Liège, pp.43-52.

Bednarz M., Kraese J., Reynier P. et Becze-Deák J., 2006.
Plateau de Bevaix, 2. Histoire et préhistoire d’un paysage rural: le site des Pâquiers. Neuchâtel, Service et musée cantonal d’archéologie (Archéologie neuchâteloise, 36; 2 vol.). 457 pp.

Havlicek E., Rolli M. and Becze-Deák J., 2003.
Etude paléoenvironementale. In: Wüthrich Sonia. Saint-Aubin/Derrière la Croix. Un complexe mégalithique durant le Néolithique moyen et final. Neuchâtel, Service et Musée Cantonal d’Archéologie (Archéologie neuchâteloise, 29). pp.113-181.

Elena Havlicek et Judit Becze-Deák , 2002.
Archéopédologie: un terme compliqué pour une discipline complexe ? Tracés 17–Technologies archéologiques, pp. 12-16.

Judit Becze-Deák, Roger Langohr and Eric Verrecchia, 1997.
Small scale CaCO3 accumulations in selected sections of the European loess belt. Morphological forms and potentials for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. Geoderma, 76, pp. 221-252.

Expertise of Judit Deák:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeScientific / Fundamental Research
Applied Sciences / Technologies / Engineering
Research Interface / Management
ScopeCauses of Change
Impact of Change
Vulnerability to Change
Topic HydrosphereFresh Water Systems / Rivers / Lakes
Topic CryosphereGlaciers
Topic PedosphereSoil Formation
Soil Degradation / Erosion / Desertification
Soil Pollution and Restauration
Geology / Sediments
Topic LithosphereSediments: Formation, Dynamics, Metamorphism
Topic Integrated SystemsNutrient Cycle / Food Chain
Topic EcosystemsTerrestrial Ecosystems
Topic Economy/ResourceUseAgriculture, Forestry and Fishery
Topic SustainabilityEcological Sustainability
Time FrameTime Frame
Past: Historical / Archeological
Past: Quarternary
Statistical FocusExtreme Events
Mean Change / Trends
Data Collection
Data Collection - Measurement
Data Collection - Documents, Archives
Data Analysis
Literature Study

Specialties of Judit Deák:
4terres - consulting and expertise bureau
Earth Sciences (soils, sediments and rocks) for archaeology; micromorphology;
Soil protection and conservation
Environmental and human impact reconstruction;
Agriculture in the past;
Lake level changes;
Cave sediments and environnemental signifiance;
Pleistocene and Holocene climatic change;

Last update: 11/21/23
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
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