Michele Brunetti

Dr. Michele Brunetti
Senior researcher
via Gobetti 101
IT-40129 Bologna

E-mail: m.brunetti(at)isac.cnr.it
Personal URL: link

Key Publications of Michele Brunetti (up to ten) :
R. Boehm, I. Auer M. Brunetti, M. Maugeri, T. Nanni, W. Scoehner. 2001. Regional Temperature variability in the European Alps 1760 - 1998 from homogenised instrumental time series. Int. Jour. of Clim., 21, 1779-1801.

M. Brunetti, M. Maugeri, F. Monti, T. Nanni. 2006. Temperature and precipitation variability in Italy in the last two centuries from homogenized instrumental time series. International Journal of Climatology, 26, 345-381.

M. Brunetti, T. Nanni, M. Maugeri, I. Auer, R. Boehm, W. Schoener. 2006. Precipitation variability and changes in the Greater Alpine Region over the 1800-2003 period. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere, 111, D11, D11107.

Sanchez-Lorenzo, A., M. Brunetti, J. Calbó, and J. Martin-Vide (2007), Recent spatial and temporal variability and trends of sunshine duration over the Iberian Peninsula from a homogenized data set, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D20115, doi:10.1029/2007JD008677

Hiebl, J.., I.. Auer, R.. Böhm, W.. Schöner, M.. Maugeri, G.. Lentini, J.. Spinoni, M.. Brunetti, T.. Nanni, M.P.. Tadi?, et al., "A high-resolution 1961-1990 monthly temperature climatology for the greater Alpine region", Meteorologische Zeitschrift, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 507-530, 2009.

Böhm, R.., P.D.. Jones, J.. Hiebl, D.. Frank, M.. Brunetti, and M.. Maugeri, "The early instrumental warm-bias: A solution for long central European temperature series 1760-2007", Climatic Change, vol. 101, no. 1, pp. 41-67, 2010.

Gonzalez-Hidalgo, J.C.., M.. Brunetti, and M.. de Luis, "A new tool for monthly precipitation analysis in Spain: MOPREDAS database (monthly precipitation trends December 1945-November 2005)", International Journal of Climatology, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 715-731, 2011.

Brugnara, Y.., M.. Brunetti, M.. Maugeri, T.. Nanni, and C.. Simolo, "High-resolution analysis of daily precipitation trends in the central Alps over the last century", International Journal of Climatology, vol. 32, no. 9, pp. 1406-1422, 2012

Brunetti, M., M. Maugeri, T. Nanni, C. Simolo, and J. Spinoni, "High-resolution temperature climatology for Italy: Interpolation method intercomparison", International Journal of Climatology, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 1278-1296, 2014.

Manara, V., Brunetti, M., Celozzi, A., Maugeri, M., Sanchez-Lorenzo, A., Wild, M., "Detection of dimming/brightening in Italy from homogenized all-sky and clear-sky surface solar radiation records and underlying causes (1959-2013)", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 11145-11161.

Crespi, A., Brunetti, M., Lentini, G., Maugeri, M., "1961-1990 high-resolution monthly precipitation climatologies for Italy", Journal of Climatology, in press, DOI: 10.1002/joc.5217

Expertise of Michele Brunetti:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeScientific / Fundamental Research
Topic AtmosphereClimate
Global Warming
Topic HydrospherePrecipitation / Runoff
Topic CryosphereSnow Cover
Topic Integrated SystemsHydrogeochemical Cycle
Time FramePast
Recent / Today
Statistical FocusExtreme Events
Mean Change / Trends
Time ScaleSeasonal / Annual
Decadal / Centennial
MethodsData Collection
Data Collection - Measurement
Data Analysis
Mountain Research InitiativeMRI Research area
Long-term monitoring and analysis of indicators of environmental change in mount
MRI Regions (please tick your mountain regions of interest)
Europe (including Eastern Europe)

Last update: 11/20/23
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
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