Matthias Bernhardt

portrait PD Dr. Matthias Bernhardt
Senior Scientist

Institute for Water Management, Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
AT- Vienna

E-mail: matthias.bernhardt(at)

Key Publications of Matthias Bernhardt (up to ten) :
Gao, L., Bernhardt, M., Schulz K. Xingwei C. (2016): Elevation correction of ERA-Interim temperature data in the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Climate (in Revision)

Müller, B.; Bernhardt, M. and Schulz, K. (2016): Estimating distributed soil texture using time series of thermal remote sensing – A case study in central Europe. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Disc.

Schulz K. and Bernhardt, M. (2016): The end of trend estimation for extreme floods under climate change? Hydrological Processes Volume 30, Issue 11, pages 1804–1808, 30 May 2016

S. Härer, M. Bernhardt, K. Schulz (2016): PRACTISE-Photo Rectification and clasification software (V. 2.1). Geosci. Model Dev., 9, 307-321, doi:10.5194/gmd-9-307-2016, 2016.

L. Gao, M. Bernhardt, K. Schulz, C. Chen, Y. Chen, M. Liu (2015): A first evaluation of ERA-20CM over China. Monthly Weather Review

J. Pomeroy, M. Bernhardt and D. Marks (2015): Research network to track alpine water. Nature. Volume: 521 Issue: 7550

Müller, B.; Bernhardt, M. and Schulz, K. (2014): Identification of catchment functional units by time series of thermal remote sensing images, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences

Bernhardt M., K. Schulz, G. E. Liston and G. Zängl (2012): The influence of lateral snow redistribution processes on snow melt and sublimation in alpine regions. Journal of Hydrology.

Bernhardt M. and Schulz K. (2010): SnowSlide: a simple routine for calculating gravitational snow transport, Geophysical Research Letters (GRL),

Expertise of Matthias Bernhardt:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeExpert Type
Scientific / Fundamental Research
Applied Sciences / Technologies / Engineering
Topic AtmosphereAtmosphere
Global Warming
Topic HydrosphereHydrosphere
Fresh Water Systems / Rivers / Lakes
Precipitation / Runoff
Topic CryosphereCryosphere
Snow Cover
Topic SustainabilitySustainability
Spatial ZonesMountain / Highland
Statistical FocusStatistical Focus
Extreme Events
Mean Change / Trends
Time ScaleTime Scale
Seasonal / Annual
Decadal / Centennial
Data Collection - Measurement
Data Analysis
Applied Research / Technology
Mountain Research InitiativeMRI Research area
Long-term monitoring and analysis of indicators of environmental change in mount
Integrated model-based studies of environmental change in diff. mountain regions

Specialties of Matthias Bernhardt:
Hydrological modelling, snow cover modelling, Remote Sensing

Last update: 11/16/16
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
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