Maja Andric

Dr. Maja Andric
Institute of Archaeology
Novi trg 2
SI-1000 Ljubljana

E-mail: maja.andric(at)
Personal URL: link

Key Publications of Maja Andric (up to ten) :
Andric M., Sabatier P., Rapuc W., Ogrinc N., Dolenec M., Arnaud F., von Grafenstein U., Smuc A. 2020. 6600 years of human and climate impacts on lake-catchment and vegetation in the Julian Alps (Lake Bohinj, Slovenia), Quaternary Science Reviews 227,

Rapuc W., Sabatier P., Andric M., Crouzet C., Arnaud F., Chapron E., ?muc A., Develle A-L., Wilhelm B., Demory F., Reyss J-L., Régnier E., Daut G., von Grafenstein U. 2018. 6600 years of earthquake record in the Julian Alps (Lake Bohinj, Slovenia), Sedimentology 65, 1777–1799, doi: 10.1111/sed.12446.

Andric M., Martincic A., Stular B., Petek F. in Goslar T. 2010. Land-use changes in the Alps (Slovenia) in the fifteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries AD: A comparative study of the pollen record and historical data. The Holocene 20(7), 1023–1037. DOI: 10.1177/0959683610369506

Andric M., Massaferro J., Eicher U., Ammann B., Leuenberger M. C., Martincic A., Marinova E. in Brancelj A. 2009. A multi-proxy Late-glacial palaeoenvironmental record from Lake Bled, Slovenia, Hydrobiologia 631, 121–141. DOI 10.1007/s10750-009-9806-9

Andric M., Kroflic B., Toman M. J., Ogrinc N., Dolenec T., Dobnikar M., Cermelj B. 2008. Late Quaternary vegetation and hydrological change at Ljubljansko barje (Slovenia), Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 270, 150–165. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2008.09.008

Andric M. 2007. The Holocene vegetation development in Bela krajina (Slovenia) and the impact of first farmers on the landscape. The Holocene 17 (6), 763–776.

Andric, M. and Willis K.J. 2003. The phytogeographical regions of Slovenia: a consequence of natural environmental variation or prehistoric human activity? Journal of Ecology 91: 807-821
  • Andric, M. 2007. Holocene vegetation development in Bela krajina (Slovenia) and the impact of first farmers on the landscape. The Holocene 17(6): 763-776

    Expertise of Maja Andric:
    Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
    Expert TypeExpert Type
    Scientific / Fundamental Research
    Topic HydrosphereHydrosphere
    Fresh Water Systems / Rivers / Lakes
    Topic PedospherePedosphere
    Geology / Sediments
    Topic LithosphereLithosphere
    Geochemical Processes
    Topic BiosphereBiosphere
    Topic EcosystemsEcosystems
    Terrestrial Ecosystems
    Topic Economy/ResourceUseEconomy / Resource Use
    Land Cover / Land Use / Landscape
    Topic Culture/HistoryCulture / History

    Specialties of Maja Andric:
    Palynological research of Lateglacial and Holocene vegetation development and human impact on the vegetation, analysis of sedimentary cores from lakes, marshes/peat bogs and archaeological sites in Slovenia, monitoring of modern 'pollen rain'

    Last update: 11/18/20
    Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
    Update the personal data for Maja Andric

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