Sébastien Castelltort

Prof. Sébastien Castelltort
Dépt. des sciences de la Terre
Université de Genève
rue des Maraîchers 13
CH-1205 Genève

Phone: +41 (0) 22 379 66 16
Phone2: +41 (0) 22 379 66 19
Fax: +41 (0) 22 379 32 10
E-mail: sebastien.castelltort(at)unige.ch
URL Institution: www.unige.ch/sciences/terre/geologie

Key Publications of Sébastien Castelltort (up to ten) :
Sternai, P., Caricchi, L., Castelltort, S., et Champagnac, J.-D., 2016, Deglaciation and glacial erosion: a joint control on magma productivity by continental unloading: Geophysical Research Letters.

Romans, B.W., Castelltort, S., Covault, J.A., Fildani, A., et Walsh, J.P., 2015, Environmental Signal Propagation In Sedimentary Systems Across Timescales: Earth-Science Reviews, v. 153, p. 7-29.

Goren, L., Castelltort, S., et Klinger, Y., 2015, Modes and rates of horizontal deformation from rotated river basins: Application to the Dead Sea fault system in Lebanon: Geology, v. 43, no. 9, p. 843-846.

Castelltort, S., Whittaker, A., et Vergés, J., 2015, Tectonics, sedimentation and surface processes: from the erosional engine to basin deposition: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.

Castelltort, S., Goren, L., Willett, S.D., Champagnac, J.-D., Herman, F., Braun, J., 2012. River drainage patterns in the New Zealand Alps primarily controlled by plate tectonic strain. Nature Geoscience, http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/v5/n10/index.html.

Simpson, G., et Castelltort, S., 2012, Model shows that rivers transmit high-frequency climate cycles to the sedimentary record: Geology, v. 40, no. 12, p. 1131-1134.

Castelltort, S., Simpson, G. 2006. River spacing and drainage network growth in widening mountain ranges. Basin Research, 18 (3), pp. 267-276.

Castelltort, S., Pochat, S., Van Den Driessche, J. 2004c. Using T-Z plots as a graphical method to infer lithological variations from growth strata. Journal of Structural Geology , 26 pp. 1425-1432.

Castelltort, S., Guillocheau, F., Robin, C., Rouby, D., Nalpas, T., Lafont, F. and Eschard, R. 2003. Fold control on the stratigraphic record: a quantified sequence stratigraphic study of the Pico del Aguila anticline in the Southwestern Pyrenees (Spain). Basin Research, V.15, Issue 4, pp. 527–551.

Castelltort, S. and Van Den Driessche, J. 2003. How plausible are high-frequency sediment supply driven-cycles in the stratigraphic record? Sedimentary Geology, 157. pp. 3-13.

Expertise of Sébastien Castelltort:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeScientific / Fundamental Research
Topic HydrosphereFresh Water Systems / Rivers / Lakes
Topic LithosphereLithosphere
Sediments: Formation, Dynamics, Metamorphism
Spatial ZonesMountain / Highland
Coastal Zone
Spatial ScaleSpatial Scale
Global / Hemispheric
Local / Community
Time FramePast
Past: Quarternary
Past: Tertiary
Past: Cretaceous
Time Scale100 kyr
Billenial (Mio yrs)
MethodsLiterature Study
MaturityWorkParrainage2Ecole secondaire/Sekundarschule
MaturityWorkParrainage3Travaux de maturité/Maturaarbeiten
MaturityWorkParrainage4Expertise pour manuels scolaires/Expertise für Lehrmittel

Last update: 9/14/23
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
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