Vera Slaveykova

Prof. Vera Slaveykova
Environmental Biogeochemistry and Ecotoxicology
Département F.-A. Forel des sciences de l'environnement et de l'eau
Université de Genève
66, boulevard Carl-Vogt
CH-1211 Geneva

Phone: +41 (0) 22 379 03 35
Phone2: +41 (0) 22 379 03 00
E-mail: vera.slaveykova(at)
URL Institution:
Personal URL: link

Key Publications of Vera Slaveykova (up to ten) :

  • Liu, W. Li, M., Li,W., Keller, A.A., Slaveykova V.I., Metabolic alterations in alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii exposed to nTiO2 materials Environmental Science: Nano 2022, 9 (8), 2922-2938.

  • Cossart, T., Garcia-Calleja, J., Worms, I.A.M., Tessier, E., Kavanagh, K. ; Pedrero, Z., Amouroux, D., Slaveykova, V.I., Species-specific isotope tracking of mercury uptake and transformations by pico-nanoplankton in an eutrophic lake, Environmental Pollution 2021, 288, 117771.

  • Slaveykova, V.I., S Majumdar, S., Regier, N.; Li, W., Keller, AA., Metabolomic Responses of Green Alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Exposed to Sublethal Concentrations of Inorganic and Methylmercury Environmental Science & Technology 2021, 55 (6), 3876-3887.

  • Liu, W.; Majumdar, S.; Li, W.; Keller, A.A.; Slaveykova, V.I., Metabolomics for early detection of stress in freshwater alga Poterioochromonas malhamensis exposed to silver nanoparticles. Scientific reports 2020, 10 (1), 1-13.

  • Liu, W.; Worms, I.; Slaveykova, V. I., Interaction of silver nanoparticles with antioxidant enzymes. Environmental Science-Nano 2020, 7, (5), 1507-1517.

  • Worms, I. A. M.; Chmiel, H. E.; Traber, J.; Tofield-Pasche, N.; Slaveykova, V. I., Dissolved Organic Matter and Associated Trace Metal Dynamics from River to Lake, Under Ice-Covered and Ice-Free Conditions. Environmental Science & Technology 2019, 53, (24), 14134-14143.

  • Saavedra, J.; Stoll, S.; Slaveykova, V. I., Influence of nanoplastic surface charge on eco-corona formation, aggregation and toxicity to freshwater zooplankton. Environmental Pollution 2019, 252, 715-722.

  • Dranguet, P.; Cosio, C.; Le Faucheur, S.; Beauvais-Fluck, R.; Freiburghaus, A.; Worms, I. A. M.; Petit, B.; Civic, N.; Docquier, M.; Slaveykova, V. I., Transcriptomic approach for assessment of the impact on microalga and macrophyte of in-situ exposure in river sites contaminated by chlor-alkali plant effluents. Water Research 2017, 121, 86-94.

  • Expertise of Vera Slaveykova:
    Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
    Expert TypeScientific / Fundamental Research
    ScopeProcess Studies
    Impact of Change
    Topic HydrosphereFresh Water Systems / Rivers / Lakes
    Water Pollution / Waste Water
    Topic PedosphereSoil Pollution and Restauration
    Topic BiospherePlants
    Topic Integrated SystemsCarbon Cycle
    Biogeochemical Cycles except Carbon
    Nutrient Cycle / Food Chain
    Topic EcosystemsTerrestrial Ecosystems
    Marine Ecosystems
    Topic Economy/ResourceUseWater
    Topic HealthPollution Effects / Water Quality
    Time FrameRecent / Today
    MethodsData Collection - Measurement
    GeoForum Environmental-TechnologyMining
    Biodiversity Convention Cross Cutting IssuesEcosystem Approach
    Sustainable Use of Biodiversity
    Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing
    Environmental Impact Assessment
    Scientific Biodiversity Assessment

    Last update: 12/8/23
    Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
    Update the personal data for Vera Slaveykova

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